Everything Is Energy

Episode 6 – Everything is Energy


Welcome to Awareness for Everyone, A Podcast about Conscious Reality Creation, and living the best lives we can for ourselves.  I am MJ Blehart, writer, blogger, editor, and 21st century philosopher.  Welcome to Episode 6 – Everything is Energy

Part 1: How is Everything Energy?

Life, the Universe and Everything

It all begins with Energy

“Luminous beings are we – not this crude matter.”  Yoda

Quantum physics

“We are all connected; To each other, biologically. To the earth, chemically. To the rest of the universe atomically.” ― Neil DeGrasse Tyson, Astrophysicist

Part 2: What is Energy?

“Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another.” – Albert Einstein

Some of the definitions of energy from dictionary.com

an adequate or abundant amount of such power: seem to have no energy these

any source of usable power, as fossil fuel, electricity, or solar radiation.

From Miriam Webster.com

     : a usually positive spiritual force: the energy flowing through all people

     : usable power (such as heat or electricity) also the resources for producing such power

Tangible vs intangible energies.

Part 3: What does Everything Being Energy Mean for Me?

“In the far, far future, essentially all matter will have returned to energy. But because of the enormous expansion of space, this energy will be spread so thinly that it will hardly ever convert back to even the lightest particles of matter. Instead, a faint mist of light will fall for eternity through an ever colder and quieter cosmos.” – Brian Greene, Theoretical Physicist

“There’s as many atoms in a single molecule of your DNA as there are stars in the typical galaxy. We are, each of us, a little universe.” ― Neil deGrasse Tyson

Working on Awareness.

Consciousness creates reality.  Manifesting the life we most desire.


Thank you for listening to Episode 6 of Awareness for Everyone, A Podcast about Conscious Reality Creation, and living the best lives we can for ourselves.  I want to thank Fe Mahoney, the artist who created my amazing cover art.  If you would like to commission work from her, contact her at veinsofink2017@gmail.com.  You can reach me via Facebook at blehartmj, or Twitter at mjblehart, or e mail me at author@mjblehart.com.  Please take a moment to check out my blog, The Ramblings of the Titanium Don, at titaniumdon.com.  Thank you, and I hope you are discovering how awareness is something you can practice to improve your life.