Exploring What Truly Divides Our Culture

Welcome to Awareness for Everyone, an exploration of Conscious Reality Creation, and living the best lives we can for ourselves. I am MJ Blehart, writer, blogger, editor, and 21st century philosopher. Episode 83 – Exploring What Truly Divides Our Culture

American is three unique, diverse cultures in one

Fear originated in the human-animal as an instinct. It was meant to keep us safe in the face of predators and other threats to our lives.

How the cultures that make up the United States are divided is where you can see how this has gotten as convoluted as it has.

All you have to do is look at the electoral maps from this recent election to see an obvious division. What fascinates me the most is how this division gets split in two – conservative versus liberal – when in fact it’s three.

One culture in three pieces

Agricultural Culture

We still have many people who make their living raising livestock and crops to feed the nation. While small farms exist, many are unimaginably huge.

The agricultural culture in the United States is less than 2% of the population.

Industrial culture

Because of the incredible abundance of natural resources across the continent, American industry produced anything and everything you could imagine. From microchips to aircraft carriers we build it all.

But the number of people who partake of this is less than 20% of the population.

Cities and towns across the country came into being with the industrial revolution. Enormous plants and factories employed hundreds and hundreds of people.

Post-industrial/service culture

This culture accounts for most of the remaining 78% of the population in the United States.

For the most part, the post-industrial culture doesn’t make anything. They build nothing material – most of what they produce and work with are immaterial. Every single customer service rep, tech support, IT professional, administrator, marketing specialist, businessperson, and office worker falls into the service culture.

What REALLY divides us?

Look again at the electoral map. The vast majority of the blue is part of the post-industrial service culture. Meanwhile, the vast majority of the red is part of the agricultural and industrial culture.

So, here’s the problem as I see it. The 78% of the nation that is part of the service/post-industrial culture doesn’t understand the 22% of the nation that is part of the agricultural/industrial cultures. And vice versa.

Then, we are given numerous reasons for one to fear the other.

So how do we bridge the gap between us?

It begins with understanding. We need to acknowledge that the United States is three distinct cultures that serve two purposes. People who work with tangibles and people who work with intangibles.  When we recognize this fundamental divide, we can begin to figure out how to bridge it.


Thank you for joining me for Awareness for Everyone and sharing in this exploration of Conscious Reality Creation and living the best lives we can for ourselves. If you have any questions or comments, go ahead and email me at author@mjblehart.com, or contact me via Instagram and Twitter at mjblehart, and on Facebook at blehartmj. Thank you to Fe Mahoney, the super-awesome artist who created my cover art. If you would like to commission work from her, email her at veinsofink2017@gmail.com. Please take a moment to check out my blogs, The Ramblings of the Titanium Don, at titaniumdon.com, my articles on Medium.com as MJ Blehart, and my various published books on Amazon. Thank you, and I hope you are discovering how awareness for everyone begins with you – and really is something that you can practice to live more fully and improve your life.
