It Starts with You and Me

Kindness, compassion, and empathy starts here

Changing the big picture issues starts with you and me.

There is some seriously messed up stuff happening in the world right now.

Almost all of it utterly lacks kindness, compassion, and empathy.

Sadly, there is little to nothing you and I can do about the big picture. The truth is, more or less, we can only do the following:

  • Vote in elections
  • Organize and/or attend protests and rallies
  • Write/call/email politicians
  • Give money to worthy causes
  • Speak-up for the disenfranchised
  • Be vocal rather than silent about important topics

And that’s about it.

It starts with you and me

Everything that we see in the big picture of the world started small. Everything.

No single person on Earth who is well-known or infamous was always that way. They were an unknown once upon a time.

Every invention, every innovation, all the things that make our world as it is began small. The internet, cell phones, cars, airplanes – all of these were just ideas at one point.

I can’t make anyone be kind, compassionate, or empathetic. Unless they choose to change and apply kindness, compassion, and empathy – they won’t.

What can you and I do? We can be kind, compassionate, and empathetic.

Non-toxic kindness, compassion, and empathy

Cold-heated, selfish, self-righteous, entitled, egotistical, and outright unpleasant people will not be given my time. I will not give them my energy, nor will I respond to their lack of kindness, compassion, and empathy with the same. I will either ignore them, avoid direct contact, or tell them off.

You and I choose every day

Every single day, we are faced with situations where we get to choose how to act. When our go-to is kindness, compassion, and empathy that empowers both those we give it to and ourselves.

Do you want people to be kind to you? Does compassion from others make you feel connected and considered? Does empathy from other people feel like a positive connection being made between you?

My answer is yes to all of these. What about you?

Mindfulness of our choices

Changing the big picture issues starts with you and me. We decide, every day, whether to be kind, compassionate, and empathetic – or not.

When you and I are consciously aware of not just our surroundings – but our own thoughts, feelings, actions, and intentions – we gain clarity. This is mindfulness in practice.


Thank you for joining me for Awareness for Everyone and sharing in this exploration of Conscious Reality Creation and living the best lives we can for ourselves. If you have any questions or comments, go ahead and email me at, or follow me via Instagram and Twitter at mjblehart, and on Facebook at blehartmj. Thank you to Fe Mahoney, the superb artist who created my cover art. If you would like to commission work from her, email her at and check out her Etsy shop – taliasinspirations. Please visit my blogs, The Ramblings of the Titanium Don, at, my articles at, and my various published books on Amazon. Thank you, and I hope you are discovering how awareness for everyone begins with you and me – and really is something that we can practice to live more fully and improve our lives.
