Looking to Make Connections

Welcome to Awareness for Everyone, an exploration of Conscious Reality Creation, and living the best lives we can for ourselves. I am MJ Blehart, writer, blogger, editor, and 21st century philosopher. Episode 84 – Looking to Make Connections

You Are Looking to Make Connections

Whether or not you acknowledge it, you are looking for something. I believe that something is connection.

Right from the start, keep in mind that how I see connection is not likely how you see it. But when all is said and done, in my experience, connection is what we tend to be looking for in our lives.

What does that mean? It means we want to feel connected to the things, people, and experiences we have in life.

How do connections work?

One of the great ironies of the information age is how easily we can be connected to one another. Tablets, computers, smartphones, the internet, wifi, cellular 4G and 5G all come together to allow me to share this with you across the world. I could use a program to hold a video chat with you instantly – even if you are on the other side of the world.

Why is this ironic? Because rather than connect us this tends to disconnect us. We get caught up in the rabbit hole that is social media, texting rather than talking, using messenger services and email where you convey no emotion or feeling. Hence, you make a very limited connection and tend to disconnect.

Connection – whether to a person, place, thing, or experience – is made up of the elements of mindfulness. It is thought and feeling, to begin with. Then, action and intention come into play to bridge the connection.

Connecting on the deeper levels

Ultimately, the connections you make are not just on the surface. They bore into your mindset/headspace/psyche and become as internal as they are external.

Why? Because the internal is who you are.

These meat popsicles we run around in are not who we are. They are the vessels that contain us. Who we are is the notion of ourselves we consider consciously, subconscious, and unconsciously all the time. The information you take in through your senses is being coordinated and gathered by this.

Connection versus attachment

Buddhism and the Jedi have things to say about attachment. Why? Because attachment is limiting, and change is inevitable.

Attachment goes beyond connection and can border on obsession. It can cause you to hold onto people so tightly that you disallow their growth. Attachment means you may take a thing for yourself and keep it from the world and its purpose.

Attachment gets mistaken for connection because to attach you must first connect. However, when that connection becomes possessive of the thing you connect to – you endanger the connection by holding back what you are connected to.

What you seek changes, too

Finally, the thing you are looking for to make a connection with can and will change. It’s inevitable because the Universe is always changing.

Yes, this makes finding and making connections somewhat more challenging. But it also keeps it exciting. Life is so full of potential and possibility. The more I experience, the more I learn, the more I want to have new experiences and learn more.

Connection is a fluid idea. You are capable of making connections – material and/or immaterial – all the time.


Thank you for joining me for Awareness for Everyone and sharing in this exploration of Conscious Reality Creation and living the best lives we can for ourselves. If you have any questions or comments, go ahead and email me at author@mjblehart.com, or contact me via Instagram and Twitter at mjblehart, and on Facebook at blehartmj. Thank you to Fe Mahoney, the super-awesome artist who created my cover art. If you would like to commission work from her, email her at veinsofink2017@gmail.com. Please take a moment to check out my blogs, The Ramblings of the Titanium Don, at titaniumdon.com, my articles on Medium.com as MJ Blehart, and my various published books on Amazon. Thank you, and I hope you are discovering how awareness for everyone begins with you – and really is something that you can practice to live more fully and improve your life and make connections.
