Positivity Empowers Everyone

Positivity Empowers Everyone

Positivity is positive. Positive is a state of power that speaks of good. Hence, positivity empowers. And it empowers everyone.

Negativity tends to disempower. Why? Because it causes you to feel things like hopelessness, sadness, depression, distress, and other down feelings that make you feel like you have no strength. All your power is non-existent or otherwise useless.

Only you can empower you

While there are lots of sources of information and inspiration – nobody but you can empower you.

That’s because you’re the only one inside your head. Your mind, body, and soul are all controlled by only you.

It’s easy to believe that other people can make you do things, influence you, and otherwise think and act on your behalf. But they can’t. Even if you give them that kind of power – they’re only capable because you have made them so.

Empowerment is recognition of your own power. It’s realizing your ability to consciously create reality, manifest the life you desire, and to be, do, and have life as you desire to develop it. But when it comes to empowerment, you are the car and you have the only set of keys.

Empowerment begins with mindfulness. Mindfulness is awareness of your conscious self, here and now. To be aware of your conscious self – your mindset/headspace/psyche inner being – you begin by being aware of your thoughts, feelings, actions, and intentions.

Negativity disempowers

Straight to the point – negativity disempowers you. Why? Because when you are feeling down, blue, low, sad, angry, depressed, or otherwise not good – you lose drive, desire, and energy. Feeling negativity disempowers because it causes you to lose the desire to do much of anything at all.

Any given day, you can be empowered. When faced with negativity and feeling disempowered – you can take back control over it. Mindfulness is frequently the starting point of that process.

Toxic positivity

Toxic positivity is the notion that positivity can be used to negate, erase, and otherwise disregard negativity. It’s borne of the idea that if you think ONLY positive, good thoughts – you can steer clear of the bad, negative thoughts – and all will be well.

You have the power to take responsibility for both your thoughts AND your feelings. Even when outside influences make you think and feel a certain way – you can choose to change them.

Any feeling you experience is yours to control. You have the power to take responsibility for how you feel. When you do that it empowers you. When you don’t it disempowers you.

This is the other reason why toxic positivity is toxic. Ignoring or disregarding negativity in favor of positivity yields control. You can’t alter or change it if you don’t control it and simply ignore, disregard, neglect, or pretend it doesn’t exist.


Thank you for joining me for Awareness for Everyone and sharing in this exploration of Conscious Reality Creation and living the best lives we can for ourselves. If you have any questions or comments, go ahead and email me at author@mjblehart.com, or follow me via Instagram and Twitter at mjblehart, and on Facebook at blehartmj. Thank you to Fe Mahoney, the superb artist who created my cover art. If you would like to commission work from her, email her at veinsofink2017@gmail.com and check out her Etsy shop – taliasinspirations. Please visit my blogs, The Ramblings of the Titanium Don, at titaniumdon.com, my articles at mjblehart.medium.com, and my various published books on Amazon. Thank you, and I hope you are discovering how awareness for everyone begins with you – and really is something that you can practice to live more fully and improve your life.
