Practical Mindfulness Practices


Welcome to Awareness for Everyone, an exploration of Conscious Reality Creation, and living the best lives we can for ourselves. I am MJ Blehart, writer, blogger, editor, and 21st century philosopher. Episode 43 – Practical Mindfulness Practice

Mindfulness is consciousness and awareness for everyone

What is mindfulness? This is self-awareness. It is knowing what you are thinking, what and how you are feeling, and the intention of your actions in choosing who you are being.

It is amazing how easily we lose sight of mindfulness. We get caught up in all the things around us, information overload, the attitudes and feelings of the people we surround ourselves with – and that, in turn often, overtakes our own mindfulness.

Why is this important? When someone is telling you about their bad day, or you are reading about the awful news from around the world, being bombarded with stories of oppression and greed and people doing bad things to people – your mood, your attitude, your thoughts, and your feelings are directly affected.

Awareness of yourself is the key

Mindfulness is not about blindly seeing nothing but positive and happy and such, it is about being aware of your own thoughts, feelings, and actions. It is about taking into account your surroundings, your mindset, your situation, and yourself in the present, in the here-and-now.

Being mindful is a practice for being self-aware, and being aware is how you can choose to live more positively or more negatively.

This is not an act of selfishness. Quite the contrary – you can do more for others around you when you know who and what YOU are about.

Being mindful begins with the self…but mindfulness of the self allows for greater mindfulness of the world and people around you.

There is nobody but you inside your head.

Being mindful of what you are thinking, feeling, doing, saying, and overall projecting will allow you to break from negativity more easily and to free yourself to be in a better, more positive headspace more frequently.

How do I be mindful?

We are constantly asking our friends, families, coworkers, even random strangers “How are you?” But it is infrequent of us to direct that question inwards. Thus we neglect mindfulness.

The simplest and easiest way is to ask yourself direct questions such as these:

  • What am I thinking?
  • What am I feeling?
  • How am I feeling?
  • Where is my mind?
  • What am I doing?
  • What am I focused on?

It is my belief that practicing mindfulness can make for more positivity in the world, which can only make the world a better, healthier, more balanced place for everyone.


Thank you for listening to Awareness for Everyone, a discussion of Conscious Reality Creation and living the best lives we can for ourselves. I want to thank Fe Mahoney, the artist who created my most excellent cover art. If you would like to commission work from her, contact her at If you have questions or comments you can contact me via Facebook at blehartmj, on Twitter at mjblehart, or e mail me at Please take a moment to check out my blog, The Ramblings of the Titanium Don, at, as well as my articles on as MJ Blehart. Thank you, and I hope you are discovering how mindful awareness is something everyone can practice to improve your life.
