Tag: connectivity

  • communitycommunity

    Finding and Forming Communities

    Communities are important for everyone I believe that the more aware we all are – the better our lives can and will be. When you largely work on your own, […]

  • Awareness and Social Media

    Social Media Connects Us Social media has offered us all ways to connect with one another. It allowed friends to connect across almost unimaginable distances. However, it also massively disconnects […]

  • strugglingstruggling

    The Importance of Connections

    What if the questions of life, the Universe, and everything are all about connections? There is nobody in your head but you You are the only consciousness inhabiting your mind, […]

  • connectionsconnections

    Looking to Make Connections

    Welcome to Awareness for Everyone, an exploration of Conscious Reality Creation, and living the best lives we can for ourselves. I am MJ Blehart, writer, blogger, editor, and 21st century […]