What Fear is and Isn’t

You can’t be rid of fear – but you can control it, rather than be controlled by it.

Fear is part of human nature.

At its core, fear is a message. It’s an instinct designed to protect you from harm. It is an early-warning system meant to help you avoid situations that could lead to irreparable harm or death.

In this form, fear is a good thing. When humankind was primitive – and still prey to predators – it told people to run, escape, act to avoid being killed.

As humankind evolved, fear evolved. When the threats to life and limb shifted from the tangible to the intangible, so too did the fears people would feel.

For all the ways it interferes with our existence, fear remains a necessity.

Balance, paradox, and the yin and yang of everything

While most of the Universe exists between the extremes – they are necessary to know because of how it all balances out.

Reason is your power to look at a situation and apply logic to it. You can form a conclusion based on fact and reality as you perceive it (remember that perception of reality is unique to you and everyone else).

Since intangible fear lacks logic and understanding, reason brings this in to inform you of what the thought and emotion are all about.

Sometimes, once you apply reason, you learn your fear is valid, justified, and necessary. When you see that your fears are not beyond reason it helps you make choices and decisions to better your life.

On the other hand, when you apply reason and learn that your fear is irrational, illogical, and not at all based on reality, you gain the same power to choose and decide what to do with it.

Applying reason lessens fear

To quote Paulo Coelho’s The Alchemist,

“Tell your heart that the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself.”

In any given situation, when you encounter fear – reason is the key to understanding it. Reason lets you see the reality of it – and whether it’s big or small – and most importantly, endangering your life and wellbeing.

Fear is necessary. Unreasonable fear is not

Reasonable fear is a warning of danger. Applying reason to it determines if you heed the warning or not. Unreasonable fear has no logic at all, and reason shows you this.

Then, you get to decide and choose what to do.

That decision is yours to make. Choose reasonably.


Thank you for joining me for Awareness for Everyone and sharing in this exploration of Conscious Reality Creation and living the best lives we can for ourselves. If you have any questions or comments, go ahead and email me at author@mjblehart.com, or follow me via Instagram and Twitter at mjblehart, and on Facebook at blehartmj. Thank you to Fe Mahoney, the superb artist who created my cover art. If you would like to commission work from her, email her at veinsofink2017@gmail.com and check out her Etsy shop – taliasinspirations. Please visit my blogs, The Ramblings of the Titanium Don, at titaniumdon.com, my articles at mjblehart.medium.com, and my various published books on Amazon. Thank you, and I hope you are discovering how awareness for everyone begins with you – and really is something that you can practice to live more fully and improve your life.
